Welcome to our School.

If you have already purchased one of our courses you need to do the following to access your program:
  • We sent you an email with instructions to activate your account
  • Activate your account and create a strong password
  • Top right corner of the navigation there is a yellow Sign In button
  • Login to your account with your account details 
If you are struggling please send us an email to support@backtobalancehealth.com

Guiding Your Wellness Journey Together.

Our programs focus on fostering well-being and vitality. We guide individuals toward optimal health and happiness, addressing three different levels:

Mental level

Our courses empower mental health through holistic approaches, fostering resilience, and promoting well-being

Physical level

Our courses optimize physical health through evidence-based practices, promoting vitality, and supporting holistic well-being.

Emotional level

Our courses nurture emotional health, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and balance for holistic well-being


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